Thursday, March 2, 2017

walk on my knees

I can see my mother down on her knees scrubbing the kitchen floor.


Now we have a Swiffer Generation. Zip in a disposable dry sheet for dusting, wet one for mopping, this done while standing erect with very little effort (and very little effect on the deep, down dirt, I might add).

Still, I remember the first time I washed up the kitchen floor - probably in my mid-teens - and thinking how arduous it was, and railing at the first person who tracked in dirt, my mother's age-old comment springing immediately to my lips -  'just look what you did to my nice clean floor!"

A little knee music goes a long way to understanding.

justice delayed

First Century Plutarch said:

"Thus, I do not see what use there is in those mills of the gods said to grind so late as to render punishment hard to be recognized and to make wickedness fearless."

Has he been hanging around the 21st Century doings?!

It's rather like being told as a child, if you make horrid expressions your face will stay that way. So the first time you revert immediately to normal behavior. Second time you persist a bit more. If nothing happens then, its wholesale assault!

Don't you sometimes wish those god mills would speed up and these outrageously immoral national actions would have some consequences for the Perpetrator-in-Chief?

no climate change in sight

Standing tall
with golden crowns,
February daffodils
Alas, March storms
sneak into town
and white now trims
the green!