Sunday, March 25, 2018

practice makes perfect - or at least a dent

In the flurry of retirement, I got four different journals as going away gifts! It is a message I take with honor, laughter, and a slight stirring of fear. Before this when people urged from different directions, "why aren't you writing more?", I would always dodge the bullet and say, " I will when I retire."

Now what do I say?!

I get so inspired throughout the day and as quickly as the thought comes, it flits away unless nailed to something concrete like paper or screen. Yes, one can have native talent, but the art comes from discipline and practice. 

I'm pretty sure I'll start next week....! I have four journals to fill!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Marching on

Again the world is stirring.

The magnolia buds are ready to shout and the forsythia has been singing for days. Three days ago when I was walking in a blinding snowstorm, I knew the crocus and jonquils were huddled below the whiteness. I hope we have finally untangled the reins of winter/spring and glory is just around the corner.

How could it be this exciting year after year?



It has such a ring of finality to it.

But I would like to say, I am not retired, I'm enlivened!

Everything is redefined.

Each first moment of the day -what do I have to do?

Each last moment of the day -what did I get done?

Not much.
