Saturday, January 26, 2013

January Morning

Pink tulips,
blue bottle,
white-paned window
early snow.

my candle burns,
coffee steams,
the Post awaits.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

The world is full

Library patron - "I'm looking for the poem that begins - 'the world is full of a number of things'.."

Me - "I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings."

She stared.

I grinned. "Robert Louis Steveson, 'A Child's Garden of Verses." My mother quoted them to me all the time."

That small poem, like countless others, reside somewhere in my memory because my mother's mind was layered to the top shelf with verse. In her one-room schoolhouse they had few books. Thus, the blackboard's contents went from slate to composition books (in true Palmer script of course!) to mind. And there they stayed.

And as I was the fourth of five children, Mother had little time to read to me, but she accessed those shelves of memory and offered Longfellow, Whittier, Stevenson and all her school-day poets as she cooked and cleaned and ran the household.

I mourn the passing of memorization, because a mind is a wonderful thing to google.

More than that, I mourn her.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Catching Up

Nothing graces
a Saturday morn
like a long-line chat
with a long-time friend.

Too much time
with people you love
hovering on the edges
of silence.

You need a spoken

Thursday, January 3, 2013


When I was expecting our first child an acquaintance at the baby shower said, "Whatever else you do as a parent, enjoy the moment. Don't fall into the trap of saying - I can't wait until he rolls over, sits up, walks, talks, goes to school, marries etc. Just enjoy fully whatever stage he's in." And for some reason those words penetrated my 28-yr-old brain. I learned very quickly that the tides of anticipating the next development step pushed you along unless you were of stern will. But I think I courted the moment. And rewards for it continuously broke like waves over my toes at the beach - invigorating, dynamic, satisfying.

Forty-plus years later I have to conclude that happiness is like that, period. If you're always waiting to cross the street you're sure to miss the park bench on this side where you can sit and watch a slice of blue sky.