Friday, July 29, 2016

Written word.

A long-time library patron died a few days ago. She was the most loyal, passionate, enthusiastic lover of books all her life. In years past she was in a political position to help support keeping open the library that I managed - which was no small feat. But beyond that, she'd come in regularly and say, "What good book do have for me today?"

I didn't even know she was ill until last week; it's hard to keep track of everyone. But another friend told me she was very ill and now this week she is gone.

As I stopped in at the visitation before the funeral, on my way to work, I met her only son for the first time in the twenty plus years I had known her. His face was etched with sadness and my name meant nothing to him until I said, "I'm from the library." And where there were tears, a huge grin flashed across his face and he said, "Mom, loved the library!" And I said, "We loved your mom!".... and we were off and running through our stories.

Books. Friends. Tears to joy. Oh, the power.

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