Wednesday, February 28, 2018

chicken corn soup

Today I am making chicken corn soup. And yes, it is merely the act of stewing a chicken, adding noodles, fresh corn, onions, celery, herbs and sitting down to a delicious meal. But it is so much more!

To me it is celebration of county roads, corn shocks, winding creeks, fields of grasses and wild flowers, freshly-plowed furrows, and most especially, fun times. Whenever there was a gathering of any sort - like an estate auction, a church picnic, a school gathering, the Farm Show -  if you couldn't find a booth with some women ladling out chicken corn soup it wasn't much of a party!

Other people look with mild indulgence on this delicacy, but if you're Lancaster County born and bred, a steaming bowl of chicken corn soup will slather a whole lot of sunshine on no matter how dark a day!

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