Tuesday, July 10, 2018

While meandering back country roads last week with my sister, we passed a small home where we both immediately recognized it as being the childhood source of peaches and watermelon in the summer. The man, Walter, had some kind of growth on his face that drew a wanting-to-be-polite child's eye like a magnet. I didn't want to stare, but it was inevitable to peek continuously! 

The other fascination of a trip to this fruit market, was that he had a walk-in freezer and coming from a typical PA summer day into that freezer that breathed gusts of icy air, clashing with steamy July- August, we stepped gratefully - for a minute. Soon our bare legs (we wore dresses of course) were shivery and what had seemed so welcome quickly became bone-chilling. Good for the watermelon, but not so good for small bodies!

But after sixty plus years of chin-dripping juices from the peaches and watermelon, I still harken back to that Walter wart-thingy.....um....how did that come to be and why didn't he move heaven and earth to get rid of it? Inquiring minds still want to know!

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