Tuesday, April 16, 2019


I know many people do crossword puzzles every morning. I think we secretly pride ourselves that we are striking a blow against mental sluggishness! Whether or not that is true, I do think it's a kind of mental pushups that does strengthen the anti-aging muscles! And I am amazed each morning as I discover some new word/fact.

The last two days the facts are these - (and don't think I remember them much longer than two days!):

1)  fennec - a small African fox! To me, it's amazing that in 75 years of living I never stumbled over that word. But in truth there are probably thousands of animals I've never heard of!

2) Samuel Morse - before he became inventor of the telegraph he was an established portrait painter - a really good one!

These things delight me!

Again, such a cheap date!

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