Monday, May 6, 2019

mke a little music

We had one little break from the rain this past Saturday and I immediately headed for the Farmers Market down at the Plaza. What an inoculation against the weekend's miserable weather!

 Not only was the market in full swing, but in the midst of the mingling neighbors and friends, was a delightful Bluegrass group. The strains of their music woven into the babble of conversation and laughter chased away the dreary morning. And the visions of spring onions, tomatoes, humus, ice cream, asparagus, croissants, flowers, honey, herbs, Cuban sandwiches, barbeque, freshly baked breads, peppers, apples, strawberries - the sights, the smells, the sounds of community was all so uplifting. Beyond the market, craft stands of all kinds bloomed and still beyond that, the lake and the outdoor cafes that edged it, dotted with people hoping to foil the rain by the sheer force of presence! 

It all was a reminder to get out and enjoy every minute, regardless of the weather. There is so much joy to be harvested in simply shared moments - in the sun and yes, even in the stormy weather!

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