Saturday, October 15, 2016

This little light of mine

This morning I heard a quote from a Martin Luther King speech in 1968 - had to be just before he died - that contained the thought that Lincoln enacted the Emancipation Proclamation but there were no accompanying tools to go with it. He said it was like telling a prisoner who had spent years and years in prison for some crime he never committed in the first place - "you're free to go" but then never even giving him bus fare to get to town. You need to build infrastructures to freedom and justice.

How true.

And how quickly society judges failure as proof the experiment never should have been tried.

From our individual corners we can't solve all the social problems of the world, but we can be kind each day. Kindness. The world cries out for it.

 And who knows, those random actions may morph into bus fare.

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