Monday, July 17, 2017

rinse and repeat

This morning on NPR I heard this intriguing segment on Japanese "forest bathing" - I can just feel the eye rolls! But the concept was that as a people our evolution was supported, urged along, "bathed" by nature and now we are indoors most of the time, tethered to devices and we need to reverse the trend. Irrefutable.

So this morning as I walked my senses were ratcheted to the highest point... and I suddenly saw that these pre-breakfast walks are like weaving a basket to carry my day. The strands are made of robins, bleeding-hearts, chipmunks, blue skies, ferns, steamy soil, bee-balm, pine trees, the lake catching first light, Canadian geese morning ablutions, crows gossiping, breezes in the oaks, black-eyed Susan's, purple petunias, ants, bees, the occasional fox or deer, but arching over all the early coolness. 

My basket will carry the day. 

And I am bathed.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

select society

"Could you please help me find a book?"

Those words have thrilled me for 35 years! Whether the person is five or 95 - and yes, I have friends in both categories and all the ages in between. It is my honor, privilege, delight to find a book that when I hand it to the waiting person, the face bursts into a yes!

Readers, we are the most fortunate passengers on this planet. We are never bored - if we have nothing new, we re-read with the pleasure of greeting an old friend.

Two pages and usually I am a goner. If my pulse doesn't quicken in that time, I am far too aware of all the treasures that await and on I go to another option.

But to actually be the link of reader with book is like holding hands in prayer - the power flows along an endless line through generations, time and place in a quiet cacophony of grace.