Saturday, August 5, 2017

camphor ointment

In all my childhood days, resting in the drawer of a little side table beside my mother's bed was a round tin, decorated in blue, white and gold flowers, with the inscribed words, "Rawleigh Medicated Ointment, Famous Old Fashioned Formula. For Cold Discomfort, Congestion, and Nasal Irritation.'' And everything else that ailed you! There was scarcely a bodily scrape that didn't improve with a dab of "Camphor Ointment" as we used to call it. There has never been a time that I haven't had a tin tucked into my belongings somewhere - 70+ years later!

Number one - it is soothing - to all kinds of inflammations. But more importantly, its application always feels like a little bit of Mother. It was her go-to solutions for so many of life's rough spots.

So,now in the midst of  21st Century woes, I rub on a bit of Rawleigh's magic and still feel the cool comfort of her love.

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