Friday, August 4, 2017

vive la difference!

Family reunions are a quirky business.

Even if you like your relatives, there is always a Squibs mixture of excitement, dread, guilt, pleasure threading through the planned visit. And no matter how successful they are, for people of an age or socially reluctant disposition, constant conversation and relating to people is hard work! And, yes, one can go off on one's own to read, hike, meditate - but then there is the nagging thought that one can do that at home without the cost and effort of a gathering. Thus the conundrum!

Nevertheless, though I was grateful to get back to the relative quiet of our personal space, I look back on our conjoined family time as golden. New shoots of communication will green and nourish the coming months and years until we gather again.

And somehow the divergent Facebook postings are now viewed with different eyes, because you remember the night under the stars with that cousin that were magical - despite the fact that he probably voted for Trump!

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