Thursday, October 26, 2017

draining the swamp

Time magazine apparently features an lead article this month about how the current administration is systematically smashing our government checks and balances and bragging about de-regulation.

Once again, industries are free to spew poisons into our air, rivers, streams, oceans. For what? Money. Oh and they always piously add, jobs. May I ask, what good are jobs if you can't breathe and your children are dying of new cancers?

Or in education, in the area of sexual abuse, they are weakening the ability to prosecute.

Or in special needs, they are slicing into those benefits,
as in Medicare,
as in veterans care,
as in Meals on Wheels, 
And the list trails on endlessly.

It will be a very different world if the country doesn't awake to this new agenda. The people in the red hats may discover there are many different definitions of "great".

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