Thursday, January 4, 2018


"Do not dwell in the past,
Do not dream of the future,
Concentrate on the moment"

says Buddha on the first page of my calendar.

That shouldn't be hard.
But it is.

It's really hard not to rehash old stuff - whether good or bad - and it's equally hard not to hoist baggage of any kind into the future. But to say, this is what I have - this present moment - is an enormous responsibility. 

I still remember a poem that our "upper level" teacher made us copy for penmanship class (what a present day joke!) and it went like this :

"I have only just a minute
Only sixty seconds in it,
Didn't seek it, didn't choose it
But it's up to me to use it.
It's only just a minute,
But eternity is in it."

Hmmmmm. Buddha and Mrs. Martin in cahoots!

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