Friday, April 17, 2020

so little time

People react to this pandemic in all different ways. Obviously. But I was thinking about how the internal landscapes of each of us - sown, fertilized, harvested throughout our lives - prepare us for the adversity of isolation. And those of us who have always enjoyed retreating within are in luck!

Each of my siblings are uniquely different, and yet to a person we all love solitude and would test out as I's on any Meyers/Briggs scan. And as introverts, time to be alone to read, journal,  dream, think, watch movies, do crosswords or jigsaws or play solitaire - anything not involving others is welcome time! As children we played together constantly and participated in groups 24/7 willingly, but given a choice now, I think we all pick solitude. I find that somewhat of a conundrum, but perhaps the balance of life comes through contrast. Growing up most of life was a clamor of voices/activities and thus we grew to cherish stillness.

Whatever the reason, while I do long for the easy freedom of life before the pandemic, right now I have four books on the go, a couple Netflix series, aspirations to bake cornmeal bread, four-mile daily walks, etc., etc. The days aren't long enough!!

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