Saturday, February 27, 2016

A breath of air

My mother was just a naturally hot person - for as long as I can remember. The stages of life ebbed and flowed but the flashes of heat did not flag. And one of her ways of coping was to step out on our front porch - which curled around the side and front of the house - and get a breath of fresh air, no matter what time of the year it was.

I find myself doing the same thing. I step out on my front stoop.

Her view took in fields that stretched far to the horizon, as well as scattered neighbors' houses on the periphery.

My view takes in a suburban cluster of houses with tall trees.

Neighbors for her were all of one skin color, economics, religion.

Neighbors for me run the gamut on all counts.

She saw sunsets and blue sky.

I see rainbows of diversity.

But she passed along her peaceful heart which makes all the difference.

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