Friday, August 5, 2016

Going for the gold

The Olympics.

I always sit back in awe, not about the performances themselves - though they are astonishing - but about the athletes. Who would do this??

I saw one little preview about a table-tennis player who is really young - 16, I believe - and will be competing in Rio. I think I heard that he practices 6 hours a day. Six hours a day playing table tennis.

When I was 16, I felt two hours of evening homework was an imposition and that was varied subjects and not every day. I can't even comprehend such rigor!

And  here's the thing - for what? Yes, I get the medal. Yes I get the endorsements. Yes I get the money and fame. But that's only for the one at the top. And how long does any of it last?

I knew one family whose daughter at one point started taking ice skating seriously. They were a normal family with limited time and money. The sacrifices the entire family had to make to get her to practices were wrenching.. And that was just the tip of the iceberg! They had to drop out.

While its all amazing to watch, the story behind the starting whistle and the end tape may be indeed unglamorous. Or worse.

I want to cheer the depth of discipline and determination. But truly I wonder, at what cost?

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