Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Not what it used to be

Our back porch had a hammock suspended on two hooks - one against the back wall and one on the middle post. On many a hot summer day the only cooling air against hot bodies was the gentle sway of the hammock, as we lazily pushed back and forth, sometimes lying side by side, sometimes head to toe-always quibbling about who was taking up more space. In more raucous times we swung higher and higher trying to touch the ceiling or snatch things from the little drying line where Mother hung her tea towels. The porch was shaded by trellises at either end and if we wanted cool solace, it was the place of dreams. It was also a place for reading, or playing with kittens, or sharing deepest secrets with my bosom childhood friend.

Toto, I know we're not in Kansas anymore because today I would probably be nauseous from the motion in about 3 minutes.

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