Friday, September 14, 2018


I was reminded anew how little control we have of the universe. One can eat healthfully, exercise, eliminate harmful habits, do it all and one day, have one's eyelids open to an advanced cancer prognosis.

 I still can't quite get a handle on that.

Though its not in my body (that I know of) it's in the family body and that is equally distressing. It's all old hat to say each day is a gift, blah, blah...… but truly, each day that you rise up from sleep and are functioning soundly is an extraordinary, blue-ribbon day.

Now begins the task of nurturing - of bringing medical, emotional, organic, spiritual, social forces to bear upon the intruder in our midst. I know there will be benefits from this exercise as it peels back the business-as-usual and forces us to look to another level of being.

But meanwhile, there are tears.

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