Saturday, September 29, 2018

the sssssssun!

What a difference the sun makes!

After weeks of almost unremitting cloudiness and rain, Saturday dawned sparkling. As I started on my four mile walk it was almost comical to see the explosion of people and activities. I passed a pick-up volleyball game in noisy competition, several teens shooting hoops, a tiny pink-helmeted girl on a scooter nearly knocked me off the path, a foursome of tennis whacked balls back and forth, an organized baseball team with grandparents, parents, whoever, in the bleachers cheering where usually I walk by an abandoned silence, paddleboats splashed through the lake, two markets - crafts and farmers were hawking their wares, a country music trio had people on the plaza dancing, and laced between all the activities were walkers, bikers, dogs strolling the paths - a cacophony of living!

The day apparently called out to the child in all of us and recess never felt better!

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