Monday, April 5, 2021

just a job

 Everyone has a job. 

It may be simply to get up in the morning or all the way to brain surgery.

Jobs get rewarded so differently - both monetarily and acclaim.

I for one, give fervent thanks to the unknown cleaner each time I enter a public restroom that sparkles. I consider that job almost sacred.

I think we all long to think that we make a difference with our life labors.

Decades ago a  head-on collision, among other things, jammed my wrist against the steering wheel left me with months of discomfort despite one round of surgery. The second was the charm. My surgeon said after the procedure," you may never do another push-up." In the many years since then not only are push-ups a regular part of my exercise, but I have not one twinge of pain in that wrist. 

To my surgeon, Dr. Kaplan, 

I am worlds beyond grateful for your brilliant hands.

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