Saturday, January 24, 2015


Our media kills me.

I understand all about hype and how it sells. But must we hear for days and days in advance about the snow storm that will surely alter all our lives and turns out, when the fateful day actually arrives, not to contain one flake or crystal of ice? Could they maybe just say there is a possibility???

I know, I know, I don't have to listen. I happen to be a news junkie, so I share the blame. But really this weather business each winter gets worse I think. I know the only factor in this dilemma that can be altered is me..... sigh.

The one thing that I truly am thankful for this morning is that the rain has washed all the chemicals from my car! And I'm sure the rain is good for the earth. And I'm grateful that none of the traffic/human chaos that always occurs in the DC area with a snowstorm has happened.

... but just once I would love a deep, white snowstorm that quiets all the insanity for just a brief moment.... reminding us of an earlier time when the world was still and you could hear the earth's music.

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