Wednesday, April 11, 2018

oh the wonder!

While visiting with family over the weekend, a brother-in-law was recalling music in his school days and spontaneously burst into a stirring rendition of "There is a Tavern in the Town." I joined him on about the third note and we sang lustily through the whole thing! The wonder was not the song, or our voices, but that: 1) at least I hadn't thought of that song in about five decades; 2) I don't know where/when I learned it; and 3) how could those words just have been sitting on a dusty shelf for possibly sixty years just waiting to be cherished once more!! I find it endlessly fascinating how not just the idea of a song, poem, ditty pops up unbidden, but that the whole cloth of it is there. In terms of hymns sometimes I can recall two, three verses.

Doesn't it seem that the memory space accommodating that could be more wisely used??... say like remembering the title of the book I just finished two days ago?

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