Friday, October 19, 2018

At the tone

Frost alert!

What! Wasn't I just wading in the ocean a few weeks ago?!

Yes and yes. Somehow, retirement has added to the speeding up of time, when I anticipated just the opposite. I thought I would sagely ponder the changing seasons, fully extracting the measure of each in a thoughtful manner. Not exactly. Right now I feel as though I'm sliding down into the holidays and my feet are really digging for purchase!

Time now really has few markers. My husband and I constantly muse aloud, "what day is this?" No, we are not addled or dotty, it's just that while working our jobs marshalled the days into place. Your days were carved out by specific tasks or schedules. Now there is this beautiful amorphous blob of time to shape as you will. Heaven, but nothing to do with knowing what day it is!

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