Tuesday, October 30, 2018

look around

When I think back on our childhood home, I think of a large house with front and back porches, a large kitchen, a front room, a living room, a dining room, five bedrooms and a bath, plus a few "wash houses" connected to the kitchen. Sounds big, right?

Oh, so wrong! Upon a visit many, many years later as I stood outside in the back, my mind spun. How had these new owners shrunk the house???? Truly I was speechless! And inside the rooms were tiny - only the kitchen had room to swing a cat! 

I guess as our minds and bodies grow, our environment shrinks! Even now, in our current small kitchen, I realize that we used to store the boys' bikes in the kitchen because we had no garage and they would have been stolen off our stoop. Now we have a lovely little table in front of the window where the bikes leaned and I can't imagine it any other way. And I was an adult both times! Yet it seems like another lifetime/place.

So maybe its just our environmental scans that change! I know that because I am basically not tuned into detail, I adapt very quickly to my surroundings on general feelings, not specifics. I guess that's why when time passes and I return to once well-known places I am nearly always astounded!

I am such a cheap date!

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