Tuesday, October 16, 2018

pick up that broom

Sweeping the front stoop is rather like making one's bed in the morning. Endless. But as some naval commander recently wrote a book about, making one's bed perfectly every morning is a small, but important course correction for the day! It's taking one simple task, performing it well, and off you go - Bob's your uncle!

As your broom sweeps away debris of all kinds from the steps and walk, metaphorically you are sweeping away the night fog from your brain perhaps. Simple movement. Not profound. And yet, when you look at the cleared area, satisfaction smiles within!

I remember my mother sweeping endlessly - that broom cleaned the kitchen, the wash houses, the porches and the walks. And I remember her smiles. Simple task, big dividends. 

Order out of chaos. A walk, a day, a life.

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