Sunday, April 19, 2015

civility and doubt

Early this morning the show "On Being" featured a discussion on gay marriage and while they covered a lot of ground pro and con, one idea struck me as unique. There was a mention of "civility and doubt" being friends - defining civility as treating the other person like you would like to be treated and doubt as realizing that your position may not be absolutely correct!

Just think how our world would change if we each embraced those simple thoughts - being civil and simultaneously questioning whether or not you have the ultimate truth in your corner.

I grew up in black and white. Really comforting! But as life flows on, I have more questions than answers, and, I hope, more compassion.

Still, I want to walk that mile in both the high-topped shoes and the flip-flops, dancing or praying.  Both modes of travel have their value.

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