Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sen-Sen through the ages

I found an old pack of Sen-Sen in my drawer - popped three little squares into my mouth and was immediately transported back to Weaverland Church! They were one of the acceptable boredom chasers in the face of long sermons! Basically licorice and various other ingredients, they are always a love-hate thing with me. I always think they will be a welcome diversion and they seldom are!

But I just did a quick look-up on-line and discover they came on the market in the late 19th Century and first appeared in a small matchbox-like container with a hole at the one end where you shook out the individual goodies! I had almost forgotten about the early packaging. That was half the fun - to shake them out. And a bit more of a time- killer!

But then the best part of the Wikipedia article: Sen-Sen have been mentioned by the likes of Somerset Maugham, John Steinbeck, Robert Penn Warren, Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, Zora Neale Hurston, Toni Morrison, Philip Roth, - even Thomas Harris in Silence of the Lamb!! How exciting is that! A childhood treasure savored in Weaverland Church showing up next to Hannibal Lector! Small world indeed.

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