Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Say it isn't so

I can truly say, and most thankfully and humbly say, I don't feel the aging process very much at all. I have been most fortunate health-wise and I know it. But one measure of age that stares me in the face is my activity in the snow!

Yesterday when I was out in the deep snow, whenever I go to a place where the "path" - i.e, a semi-trodden down area - ended and I would have to navigate snow that was two feet deep in order to proceed, it was all I could do not to panic! When did that happen??

As kids, the deeper the drift, the more exhilarating! We'd fling ourselves into the snow with such total abandon. The thought of broken bones never even brushed our consciousness! Now, though I refuse to stay inside and have walked every day at the start, middle and end of the blizzard, I walk so very carefully, while visions of fractures dance in my head! I really hate that transformation!

So I guess I will just sigh and accept the vulnerability factor and give thanks that for the large part of my life at this point, I still feel like a kid!

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