Sunday, April 3, 2016

blow, blow your horn

Last night we had what my Grandpa Weaver would probably have described as a "tempest"! The wind roared like the derecho we had some years ago here. It's a sound that literally sets your small arm hairs on end! Branches and twigs were pelted against the front and back exposures of our town house but there was thankfully no damage. Lots of people in the area lost power, but we're some of the lucky underground cable people.

But each time this happens I realize once again how hollow my normal sense of security really is. We build shelters to shield us from the elements, but really whenever we even glimpse the edges of the forces of nature we realize we are at the mercy of the universe - completely. Earthquake, wind, rain, snow, sleet, hail, fire bring us to our knees.

Still, I must side with the optimistic outlook of my childhood and, "Open all the windows, open all the doors, and let the merry sun shine in!" Because after all the good, the bad and the ugly there is still the exquisitely dazzling everyday unfolding.

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