Sunday, January 22, 2017


We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T.S.Eliot

I have loved this quote for such a long time.

Once, when I was finished with the book, Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon, I closed the cover and immediately wrote to the author, and unbelievably he wrote back - in longhand! Mind you it was in the 1980's somewhere, but even then typewriters were invented! I told him in the note how much I loved the book and  that I thought the above quote nut-shelled his book. He agreed and said that the quote was in the book until about the fourth editing and he was glad I found it on my own.

I feel with Mr. Eliot that our search for happiness, success, peace, fulfillment - all take us far afield, until we return to that backyard of the heart where the swing touched the clouds and we soared.

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