Sunday, January 15, 2017

when in Rome

There are no "bad" words..... as far as I'm concerned. How could one mixing of letters have a moral content - like dam, but add an n and pow!- quarter in the swear word jar!

But I do believe that words can injure by context. If I am with a person who thinks saying "heck" is heading down perdition's way, I think I need to consider not saying heck. I would be honoring the person's sensitivities, not the moral heft of the word itself.

But then, so many behaviors should be contextual! Example, a patron comes striding down the library walk, talking enthusiastically on his cellphone, enters the swinging doors and continues the private conversation at the same volume and spirit level, never mind that he has entered a silent room full of readers. Why would this not be a glaring misbehavior? Whenever I approach people and say quietly, "Can you take your conversation to the lobby, people here are trying to study", invariably they look surprised/stunned/chagrined at my words.

And I think it's because a large number of people no longer operate on context. They say - by action implication - here I am, accept me in whatever form. They don't say - oh, wait, this is a library, a church, an office, a business I should adapt to. No, they say, this is me, my language/behavior/dress/manners are who I am - take it or leave it.

Not all, thankfully, but far too many.

Context, people! Think about it!!

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