Sunday, January 8, 2017

When I was a child

The crossword puzzle clue was "children's game involving insect construction" and suddenly I was back home in Hinkletown, on the cracked linoleum of our front room, choosing a curved leg to insert into a black body! That Cootie memory had sat on the shelf for about 65 years, just gathering dust, waiting patiently to be hauled out and rejoiced over!

What followed was a email conversation with my sibs about the games we played as children. As usual we remembered different ones - probably due to age and interest. But as we delighted, argued, pouted, shouted over Parcheesi, Monopoly, Clue, Rook, Blockhead, Scrabble, etc., etc., look how we were learning about life! Its simply not a God-given attribute to be gracious about winning or losing. It has to be learned and practiced

And what day has passed in those 65 years since that Cootie exchange that we didn't draw on that sibling exchange?

Did Trump play games as a child? (!)

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