Tuesday, June 19, 2018

and away we go

Our library's summer reading program's theme is "Reading Takes You Everywhere."

And the first time I saw that I went flying back - mentally - to Nancy Drew and her adventures! As a child I may have lived in a sleepy little village in Lancaster County, but with ND's help I was exploring spooky passageways that led to cobwebbed attics, or tracking down a gang of counterfeit swindlers in caves, or following malicious doctors into private hospitals where patients were being held prisoners - the world's oyster had cracked wide open!

And thus one of the greatest pleasures of my life began.

Think of the gift of reading - mere words on a page transporting you far beyond the limits of your world wherever it may be, however old/young rich/poor, ill/healthy you are.

And for a little while you are completely and gloriously lost. Amazing.

Now, back to Magpie Murders.

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