Monday, December 9, 2019

walking the straight, narrow and comfortable


Minor item, right? Living in the part of the world that we do, we have worn shoes all our lives. Since retiring I have noticed how my footwear has evolved! 

First of all I read an article from our health care provider that seniors should take a look at their wardrobes and essentially rid themselves of any backless shoes. It is statistically documented that a large number of falls result from shoes that allow the foot to slip out on stairs, slopes or inclines of any kind, That was a new thought as I have worn clogs and sandals all my life - but I could see the logic. Now my feet are contained at all times.

The other revelation came with heel size consideration. The other day I went shopping with a slightly elevated boot and I have paid for it with two days of heel soreness. I can see the future years reflect basically sturdy comfortable shoes, period!

Of course since I walk four miles a day the above isn't a revelation completely. But I think it is important to realize that well-constructed footwear is now essential rather than an interesting theory.

And then of course my mind flits back to childhood when those first warm Spring days that begged for bare feet! Mother was ultra-conservative about the timing. My next-door neighbor's mother had no such compunctions so they flung caution to the wind and were enviously trampling through the greening grass and plowed gardens days before we were allowed! What, was there a bare foot law, like not planting peas before May 15??

Who would have thought that rules govern even our footwear?

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