Thursday, February 4, 2021

icy patches

The sun is shining!

How momentous those words in this pandemic winter!

 Somehow that glowing orb overhead is salvation.

Right now, it's salvation from icy paths! Yesterday I crept along in the deepest snow I could manage because the tramped paths were sheets of hazard.

I thought back, as I was carefully mincing along, about childhood days when we actually sought out icy patches to slide on! It's truly hard to conjure up that kind of rosy cheeked freedom. And in the snow we jumped, we tumbled, we rolled. Oh the grace and durability of young bones - and spirits! I truly don't want to be a timid soul and I have walked every day to some degree or the other for the three years of my retirement, but it is all under such an umbrella of care! 

I guess the abandon of body now belongs to dreams.

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