Monday, February 8, 2021

no milk today

 My childhood home had a wrap-around porch and right by the side door was a lidded tin box, lined with some kind of padded material, where, early each day, the milkman would deliver our milk. Simple. Milk in glass bottles delivered to your doorstep. In the earliest days, the bottles had a little bubble at the top for pure cream. I don't have any idea how often milk was delivered, but I do remember some Sunday mornings there would be a treat of chocolate milk -  rich, thick, dark brown goodness. The mere memory makes me salivate! I couldn't guess at the caloric content, but it was far beyond the amount of Hershey's syrup that we were allowed to spike our milk with afternoons after school. Ludicrously excessive - and  so delicious!

But beyond the concept of culinary convenience and delight, imagine a time when it was safe to have milk delivered regularly outside on your porch and not have it stolen!! Such a lovely little memory about how life worked once upon a time!

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