Tuesday, November 7, 2017

this little light

We sang in Sunday School, "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine".... and though it had religious connotation then, it has new meaning to me in November 2017. 

Each day brings new horror, it seems to me, whether it's political, cultural, religious in nature. And it feels as though one's feet are constantly becoming stuck in the mire and, some days, forward progress seems slim.

Yet yesterday when one sad patron was pouring out his grief about the times to me, I said spontaneously, "you have to seek middle ground - you can't really exist on the rarefied, bitter air of the far right or left. Seek the middle."

At the end he said, "I might actually survive if I get in here to talk to you every now and again."

Such a few words, but that little light can shine in very dark hours indeed.

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