Tuesday, February 12, 2019

many a slip

I heard that a friend slipped on black ice yesterday, fell and broke two bones above her wrist - ouch!! No matter how supple you feel your body is, that black ice phenomenon is the most feared concept at this age! Did we not have black ice as children??! I think I remember sliding on our driveway at home - with shoes - and I think we even tried ice skates at one time as it was completely glazed over. Oh, the abandonment!

 If I have to determine whether or not I indeed am aging, the fear of falling is certainly a valid barometer! As kids we fell constantly! Even from trees! Yet I don't think I ever broke a bone to this day apart from ribs and nose fractures in a car accident in my forties. But that record exists because of much grace on Fate's part! Many is the time the results could have been wildly different. 

So I guess the lesson is, act your age, proceed with caution, don't take unnecessary risks - but, hey, keep living!!

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