Tuesday, January 15, 2019

different times, different strokes

How did we survive childhood without any of today's protection?

We didn't bathe daily (in a tub). We didn't floss our teeth. We didn't use sunblock. We didn't wear sunglasses. We didn't take vitamins. We didn't take pills on a daily basis of any kind, except for my mother's eternal fix for everything was, "take an aspirin"! We didn't use seatbelts. We didn't wear helmets when biking, knee pads or protective gear of any kind in contact sports. We skated in skirts!

We ate fatty things non-stop, rich desserts, sugary pickled salads and relishes, and fried foods and gravy won the day! We snacked on chips, pretzels and crackers with abandon. Meat and potatoes were our mainstay diet. Everything was laced with liberal infusions of salt and sugar.

But on the balance sheet we had fresh air, fresh vegetables, good water, doctor/dentist appointments as needed. We had endless hours of play with family and community. We awoke safe and happy and content.

And yes, of course we had our share of childhood illnesses - mumps, measles, chicken pox - I had whooping cough at five months! Plus throw in colds and flus aplenty. But basically we were healthy and very few broken bones among the 5 of us children my entire childhood.

Yet, we couldn't begin to replicate that life-style now! I would be horrified at every turn!

How did I arrive at this place -literally and culturally?!

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