Monday, January 14, 2019


Finally a snowstorm that wasn't embroidered with work anxiety! This is the first time since retirement and it was a lovely change of pace. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! And it did! Last night looking out on the falling snow shining through the porch lights I marveled again at the magic of snowfall. 

What is it about snow that is so joyful to me? I have had horrible driving experiences in snow and ice that make me shudder to remember... but that's not what springs to mind. I recall the sledding, the snow angels, the forts, the snowball battles, the mittens, the cold-reddened cheeks, the drift scaling - the outgoing fun. 

But more than that I remember the drawing-in-and together aspect of the snow. As a child it meant gathering for jigsaw puzzles and games and special taste treats. The softening cloud of white outside meant cuddling inside after the play, and relaxing in the safety and comfort of home.

Snow slows the world. 

The welcome mat is out!

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