Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Little grains of sand

When I taught Literature to Grades 8-11 in a small fishing village in Newfoundland many years ago, it would have been hard for me to envision where those intent faces staring back at me might end up in the years to come! When we arrived at our village in the mid-60's the rest of the world was just beginning to encroach through the magic of electricity - and thus TV, of course. Before that most of their entertainment was home-grown: now the world came calling. 

I had the usual curve of bright students at the top, normal achievers, and under-achievers. One girl in Grade 9 had a particular sparkle in her eyes. She had us to dinner at her house in a nearby village and I believe we had lobster, pulled from her father's trap that morning. I sensed in that family a curiosity about the world.

Several months ago - now fifty plus years later - I discovered that girl is now the author of at least eight books, president of some worldwide motivational organization, and according to Facebook a world traveler!! I am flabbergasted! When we connected through FB she quipped that were it not for encouragement from people like me she still would be gutting fish in NFLD!

Well God bless the fish-gutters and the world travelers both - we need each of them! But it just illustrates the point that teachers never, ever know what type of soil may receive those randomly flung seeds of knowledge! And how far those who sat and listened might travel beyond their guides!

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